International link building for Plants Online sells hedge plants online to individuals. The company has been active for over 20 years in the purchasing, selling, and shipping of hedge plants across Europe. With a team of more than 20 specialists, they handle dozens of shipments daily, both domestically and internationally, and are always available for personalized advice.
International link building Campaign (and 14 other webshops) aimed to enhance its online visibility in all the countries where they operate. They turned to LEQUAL to determine in which countries they could make the most impact, what types of links would contribute to this, and how to manage the seasonal influences on their SEO campaigns.

“Thanks to LEQUAL, we have experienced enormous international growth and become less dependent on ads. The share of SEO in the total marketing mix has strengthened, which was the primary goal. Additionally, it is great to work with the specialists, and they proactively provide me with the right advice and insights.”
— Jaap Kolff, Owner @ Plants Online